All Saints' Church has a long tradition of choral music. Our SATB choir sings each Sunday, either at the 10am Eucharist or 6.30pm Choral Evensong services under the direction of David Burgess. The choir has several highlights through the year including singing Faure Requiem liturgically within the Book of Common Prayer Communion service each Remembrance Sunday, and on Good Friday takes part in a Sublime music for Good Friday event as All Saints' Chamber C

hoir. There is also a traditional Nine lessons and Carols service at Christmas. Recently, as part of a choir formed from around the Deanery, its members have sung Vivaldi's Gloria on Ascension Day in another local church. The choir has also been involved in more secular events such as Last Night of the Proms and Music for a Summer Evening. If you are interested in learning more about our choir do come along one Sunday or contact David via the church office