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How soon do we need to book our wedding?We would advise that you book at least 6 months in advance, but not more than 2 years ahead. We would also advise that you book your wedding reception before you approach us because although we do have a lot of weddings, caterers, hotels etc. are usually more busy than we are.
Are we able to choose who marries us?In order for us to provide the greatest amount of flexibility with wedding dates and times for our couples we have a number of clergy, some of whom are retired and some of whom are female, that we are lucky enough to be able to call on to take weddings for us when our Rector is not available. Therefore allocation of clergy is based on availability on a certain day and time so unfortunately we are unable to take specific requests for a particular clergy member. If, however, you have a family member or friend who is licensed to conduct weddings in church who you would like to take or be part of your wedding service please contact our Church Administrator.
We do not live in your Parishes but would like to marry in your church, is that possible?Legally you have to live in the Parish where you are to be married but there are obviously many reasons why you want to be married in one of our churches. The residency rules have recently been changed to accommodate some of these reasons. You can now get married in any church if you were baptised there, if you are on the confirmation register of the church, if you have lived in the Parish for at least 6 months or if you have attended worship in the church for 6 months. You can also get married in any church if your parents or grandparents were married there or if your parents have lived or worshipped at the church for 6 months. Please do contact us if you have any problems with this.
One of us or both of us are divorced, can we still marry in your church?We do marry people who have been married before but this is at the Rector’s discretion and you will need to be interviewed by him. The Rector interviews all wedding couples and has the final say as to whether the wedding will take place. He usually does this after the paperwork has been completed by our administrator.
How much will the wedding cost?The basic cost for the wedding service are set nationally by the Church of England. Click here for current costs. Additional costs are charged for: an organist a verger to prepare the church for your service the church choir – who are based at Botley but who can come and sing in Durley or Curdridge if you so wish the bells – the cost varies depending on which church you are married in.
When do we pay?We take a deposit of £100 in cash or as a cheque when you book the wedding and the rest is paid when you come to check your details for the register, which is usually the week before the actual wedding, or we can take payment via BACS (internet banking).
One of us is Roman Catholic, is that a problem?No that is fine by us.
Do we have to undergo any preparation?Yes you do! We have two sessions that we like you to attend: 1. The first one is usually held annually at All Saints’ Botley on the first Sunday in February from 15:00 – 17:00. You will be able to meet all of the people involved in the elements of your wedding – the clergy, the music director, the flower arrangers, the organists and the choir. 2. We also have ‘Space to Think’ sessions which are literally a time to think about what marriage means, what your service will involve and the vows you are about to take. We have three of these two hour sessions spaced throughout the year. We do like you to attend both of these sessions.
Does our wedding have to be on a Saturday?No it does not. However if you choose to have your wedding on any other day it will limit the number of bell ringers and choir who are available.
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