For our Lent Course this year, we will be using the Church of England's Living in Love and Faith materials. The materials have been prepared with great care to enable parishes to consider Christian teaching about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. It should be noted that the purpose of the sessions is not to engage in 'debate' over these issues but to use video presentations and biblical reflection in order to deepen our understanding and consider different perspectives.
The sessions will be held in the Maffey Room at All Saints’, Botley from
7.00-8.30pm on the 10th ,17th, 24th, 31st March and 7th April.
There is a course handbook that costs £4.99 from Amazon (search Living in Love and faith) or from Church House Publishing. You do not need to have this, but it might be helpful if you do. There is a copy in the Parish Office if you would like to have a look before ordering.
Please let Karen know if you will be attending by emailing